it doesn’t need that many words when you’re already in your nightgown




i love her most
in that state of morning-crumpled,
eyes half closed,
lips emptied
of all words, she searches

for her new mobile number &
expiry date of the insurance policy,
i watch her on my macbook screen,
early morning in Australia,

still wearing her sleepshirt,
i, in mine already & fill in the form
for her (she got no scanner, so–),
in the pauses rest my head on
interlaced arms, silently observing,

since she’s gone, my mornings
are sans candles, usually we sit
opposite each other on the breakfast table,
müsli bowl in front of us,
i on my laptop, commenting

& she, lighting candles, staring
at the flames as if speech &
all the answers in the world are
within boundaries of flickering light

“mom, i found the expiry date”

“ok, i’ll fill it in & send it”

“you look funny”
“i am tired, hey–
i wanna kiss you”

“sleep well”
“yeah, have fun at university”

a sharp click & she’s offline,
thousands, thousands miles away,

& the only sound in a slowly widening universe
is the soft stream of my breath
echoing in circles

‘round the rocking of the moon


smiles..missing her..but as you see, she’s doing well…smiles.. my pleasure to host OLN this week, so write a poem and join us at 3pm EST over at dVerse..

75 responses to “it doesn’t need that many words when you’re already in your nightgown

  1. ..that ole’ moon again…what a versatile entity it is and how much it figures into our thoughts, wishes, poetry. I can see how much miss the daughter who is on the other side of the globe and can understand how slow time must go sometimes until you see her again..I’ve never been first before ..a smile..

    • “a sharp click & she’s offline,
      thousands, thousands miles away,

      & the only sound in a slowly widening universe
      is the soft stream of my breath
      echoing in circles

      ‘round the rocking of the moon…”

      …Thanks, for sharing a [morning] moment through your poetic words…between you and your daughter [I’m so happy to read that she is happy at Uni…]

      I think even though you both are a thousand miles apart that you both are really close because you are in each other ❤ [heart.]
      deedee 🙂

  2. … how lucky we are to have such technology ~ but how difficult it is when the kids fly off and though we’re busy we’re bereft ~ captured here in your own inimitable style Claudia.

  3. A lovely intimate moment to capture, the mornings are filled with beauty as we stumble around, even sometimes the grumbling and morning crumpled is a lovely way to describe it… it’s hard when your children are away, even when they move half an hour down the road, you always miss them. Wonderful as always.

  4. …the missing is so clear and tangible Claudia… and perhaps will stay longer than you can ever imagine… your love and care is quite enough to make her feel safe and secured even in distance until the day of her home-coming… smiles…

  5. smiles…just think it was not too far back this would not have been possible and you would be waiting on a postcard or a letter…i wonder if this is better or if it just makes you miss them more, you know….smiles…def the love and longing comes through in this and pulls our heart strings…i am glad she is doing well…

  6. Wonderful how the two of you can communicate as you do despite the distance. And nice that you can help her from this distance, just as though she WERE sitting across from you at the same table eating muesli. A very sweet write; and I am sure the missing is mutual.

  7. Communtication has sure come a long way and looks like she is sure enjoying herself at play. Nice morning chat, before your hands get dirty at your mat haha never letting that go.

  8. So glad you’re able to see your daughter, at least on screen. I know how much you miss her. But really, the important thing is the indestructible bond between you. It will always be. Take care Claudia.

  9. I love these poems about your daughter and your interactions on Skype. Bittersweet. Sweet to see the face of the one you love, bitter because you SO want to hug her.

  10. I feel your longing…missing your baby.
    I was shaken up on Friday, my son had a car accident. Thank God he’s okay. He was driving in the snow and his car was totaled. I wished I was there with him…..

  11. This brought tears to my eyes. I so feel your longing for your daughter. Thank goodness for the technology we have today, though.

  12. The wonders of skype and phones to keep us all connected ~ Your mother’s love & concern is very evident here ~ I just told my daughter the other night, don’t grow up too fast, okay ~ Smiles ~

  13. Ohhh feelings when the one you love is thousands of miles away… Oh how well do i know that! Am glad your girl is doing fine, Claudia, but i know your heart is with her 🙂 “the only sound in a slowly widening universe
    is the soft stream of my breath
    echoing in circles” i love this part 🙂

  14. Oh my, those last lines brought tears to my eyes… this is the hardest part, the letting go, the watching them become independent and stretching away from us when we still love them just as much as when they were helpless little infants.
    just beautiful.

  15. So difficult to hold on and let go.,,but at least there’s skype now, our grandmothers generation didn’t have even that, scary thought!
    & she, lighting candles, staring
    at the flames as if speech &
    all the answers in the world are
    within boundaries of flickering light is my fav part.

  16. You paint a lovely picture of the moment. Kinda cool that people have more options now for keeping in touch, isn’t it?

  17. Pingback: Aging Gracefully into Mother’s Day – Original Poetry by Felipe Adan Lerma | Felipe Adan Lerma

  18. Damn, Claudia, this brought tears to my eyes. I could feel your wanting to be with your daughter. Beautifully told, thanks for this.


  19. What a sweet moment you’ve shared with us! I think many of us are easily mesmerized by the sight of flames. I like your “explanation” – all the answers in the world are within boundaries of flickering light. 🙂

  20. Miri looks like she has a kind, playful nature. Where did she get it from, do you think? ;O

    This is so tender. And we are so acutely conscious of the longing.

  21. beautiful, i love the intimacy of this (which, yes, skype makes possible – what did people do before skype??)… love the “breath
    echoing in circles

    ‘round the rocking of the moon”

  22. Very sweet poem, Claudia. My younger daughter is in India right now and we do a fair amount of online chatting, most of it sweet, some a little more tired! (Not unsweet, but tired at times due to the time differences.) It is quite amazing that we have these devices, and your poem describes both the closeness and the dislocation. Very nice. k.

  23. The pain of separation is tempered with the knowledge that they’re all right…. I relate to the distance coz my lady love lives overseas – not the same scenario, but I feel this piece 🙂 Well captured 🙂

  24. a sweet, sweet write. I can feel the love and the “missing” in your words as you expose the emotions underlying such a simple—and (my guess) all too brief—moment.

  25. wonderful personal capture here Claudia. Also, you have to love modern technology, being able to connect both visually and audibly, even when many miles and time zones apart. Really nicely conveyed. thanks

  26. I echo James’s comment Claudia – his thoughts are mine. I really am quite moved by your words of love – our children are the most precious things.


    Anna :o]

  27. I am across the country from my family and this just made me miss them instantly. I always know how I feel when far away, but you just glimpsed a mother’s broken heart at the missing of her child. Thanks for that insight.

  28. My first born just called me from college. I was asleep and her voice – sigh, I do know how this feels Claudia even though my 19 year old baby is just across the city…

  29. Our children draw such gifts of beauty out of our hearts. Whether half a world away or half a room away, it matters little. Light, as love, travels at speed we shall never fully grasp. 🙂 Eric

  30. Claudia, this is so tender and lovely, those spaces in the conversation–you only have a few minutes and there’s so much you want to say, but it all becomes the daily news, with that bittersweet feeling–of emptiness from missing them and happiness that they are doing well

  31. GOT to show this to Anna when she returns in 10 days. Her daughter is in Seoul S Korea, her second year teaching there. They skype a lot!
    More and more I see, we are ALL so much alike…do ya thnk we might all be HUMAN? –grin!